Tuesday, September 10, 2013

5 Year Olds Say the Darndest Things (with Evie's start of School)

Evie's 1st Day of "School"
 Before I jump into my latest Edmund story I wanted to give a little update on Evie happenings.  Because of that this post will be a hodgepodge of the last week.  I constantly feel like I don't give Evie her due on the blog.  It's not because she doesn't do adorable things.  She definitely does, albeit currently sandwiched between her newest trick, tantrumming.  However, Edmund often gives me quick quips that I can type out in minutes. If I get the urge to write, but don't have much time, writing out those quips is my fallback.  

Evie started a Parents Morning Out (PMO) this past Wednesday.  From what I was told, she did amazingly well.  Some friends who peeked in on her shortly after drop-off said she was squeezing her baby doll lovey awfully tight, but there were no tears.  We got several smiling pictures of her from the teachers throughout the day.  According to her teachers she did have times of missing mommy and daddy, but for the most part loved being with the other children.  I'm hoping she gives us a happy repeat this coming Wednesday.  I tried to get some pictures of her on the first day, but as a newly initiated walker, she was not willing to stand still for the second it took me to snap the shot.  The picture may be blurry, but I'm thankful I got the one.

The following Edmund story requires a little bit of background information..  In the last month 3 of our close friends have had babies.  We have been making the rounds visiting the families and dropping off dinners all with Edmund in tow.   In addition one of Steven's main duties at his new job is examining the newly delivered babies.  It will come as no surprise then that our dinner conversations as of late have focused on what Edmund calls "born," meaning newborn, babies.  One day Edmund was practically in tears wanting to know why boys couldn't have babies, but I think we got that straightened out when we established he could still be a daddy (much, much later of course)..  We have come to expect daily questions about babies and doctors, as Edmund is also very interested in Steven's work..  However, the following dinner conversation was so bizarre, leading me to wonder how a 5 year old's thought processes work, that I just had to share it  Without further ado, I present to you,

A Conversation with Edmund

Edmund: Daddy, I know you're a doctor and you take care of the born babies.

Daddy: Yes.

Edmund: Well, when I was a baby and I was born you were at the hospital.

Daddy: Yes, so you want to know if I took care of you?

Edmund: Well, I really just want to know.  It's important.  I need to know...Why do people have tongues?

I'll just stop there.  An explanation of the tongue's purpose did ensue, but really I just want to know what he was thinking. I generally don't put babies and tongues together, so if someone knows the connection, feel free to enlighten me.  This story reminds me why kids this age are so fun to talk to.  They really do say the "darndest" things.