Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Visit to the Harrisonburg Children's Museum

Steven, Edmund, and I traveled to Harrisonburg, VA yesterday afternoon to spend a few days with my parents. As our days won't have as much downtime as usual I won't be posting much until I return to Chapel Hill. However, I wanted to share this short story of today's outing.

My mom informed us yesterday there is a children's museum in town. I am a huge fan of children's museums and already knew this. I'd been looking for an e
xcuse to visit ever since my parents moved to Harrisonburg, but felt awkward going without a "borrowed" child. Sometimes I pull out the "I'm a teacher and would love to look around" bit, but hadn't done that here. When my mom suggested we go she was sure I'd say Edmund was much too young, but I jumped on the chance. I now have my own child to use an excuse.

When we walked into the museum two ladies greeted us, and asked if we were there to play. We said we were just visiting and were checking out the museum for when Edmund was a little bigger. We showed the ladies our tiny, sleeping baby figuring they would see that he was much too young to play. We offered to pay, but they told us there was no need. As we started off to explore they called out "if you want to stay and play just come back and pay". Again I pointed to the sleeping baby, and said "I'm pretty sure he won't be playing today." Perhaps they knew the adults were itching to play.

The Harrisonburg Children's Museum looks excellent and I can't wait until a visit when Edmund truly is old enough to play.