Monday, December 10, 2012

Jesus Goes to a Monster Truck Rally

"Welcome to the Monster Truck Christmas Show"
My two good friends and I were having coffee this past week.  They mentioned they take baby Jesus out of their nativity sets and wrap him so the first gift the family opens on Christmas morning is Jesus.  I thought this was a great idea so I got baby Jesus from Edmund's Fisher Price nativity and put him in our bedroom to remind myself to wrap him later.  When I went back to retrieve baby Jesus I found him missing.  I asked Edmund if he took him back and he replied "yes."  I asked, "don't you think it would be fun to open Jesus on Christmas morning."  Edmund said "No, I play with him a lot and I'd miss him.  Come see mommy.  Jesus and the camel are attending my monster truck show."  And indeed they were.  Perhaps we'll trying wrapping him next year.