Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Edmund the Astronaut Rides Again

The Trick-or-Treaters
I believe this has been the longest I've gone without posting. For those of you still following our adventures (and I hope there are a few of you), thanks for waiting. We've had quite a few mini adventures since the last post. Edmund moved out of the 2 year old room at his new school into what is called the "big world." Most of his friends remained with him, and he loves his new teacher, Ms. Stef. Edmund began pedaling his tricycle all by himself and can almost make it to the playground by our house without any help from mom or dad. We went fishing in the pond by our house and Edmund caught his first fish with his Cars fishing pole. We baited the pole using Grannie Nave's fishing recipe for success, a bit of hot dog. It never fails. We are required to throw the fish back into the pond, but it's probably for the best.

And now for our big adventure. Last night Edmund went trick-or-treating. Never mind the cold rain; nothing could stop him from getting candy. Edmund donned his astronaut costume yet again this year. It still fits and he is still into astronaut
s, so we lucked out. We headed out with two families in our neighborhood. One of the families has a 6 month old baby. The other family has a 3 year old boy, J and 2 year old girl, A.
We all brought umbrellas, but the kids saw no need for them. Edmund and J immediately took off for the first house, splashing in puddles with their canvas shoes all the way. This year Steven and I held back and let the kids do the walking down the driveways and the ringing of the doorbells by themselves. They had no problem figuring this out. After trick-or-treating at the first house, Edmund, J, and A could not contain their disbelief. "We got candy," they squealed over and over. The two boys took off as fast as lightning for the next house, with A lagging shortly behind. It didn't take them long to catch onto the concept of Halloween. Last year Edmund could barely walk down a driveway without complaining he needed to be carried, but this year his adrenaline kept him going.

Steven had left candy on our porch while we were out. When the kids arrived at our house, we told them to take one or two pieces. As fast as they were returning from the porch, we believed this to be the case. To our surprise we found most of the candy in J's and Edmund's pumpkins at the end of the evening. No harm don
e, as Edmund was none the wiser when the candy went right back into the candy bowl for the later trick-or-treaters when he went to bed.

The kids quickly finished trick-or-treating at the houses on our cul-de-sac. This was perfectly fine with the parents as it was raining and the kids had certainly racked up the treats. This is no exaggeration. Their pumpkin buckets were overflowing and we only hit up 10 houses. We ended our Halloween adventure at J and A's house and had the kids pose for the requisite photos. Edmund let his disdain for the photo op be known by declaring, "There's no time. We must get home and eat chocolate." And so, after some very adorable photos, we went home and did just that.