Thursday, February 28, 2013

Space Travel

My laptop of 8 years died on me a couple of weeks ago.  It is beyond resuscitation I'm afraid.  I had plans to write about our Disney trip, but haven't gotten the pictures sorted since I am now sharing a laptop with Steven.  Posts will probably be intermittent until I figure out what to replace my laptop with.  However, Edmund said something so cute yesterday I just have to write it down.

Steven and I have one garment bag hanging in the closet.  Edmund noticed it yesterday and asked what was inside.  Steven replied "my suit."  Edmund thought about it for a minute and asked "your spacesuit, daddy?'

As much as we talk about space with Edmund you'd think daddy's former space travel would have come up by now.  This also informed me that we don't get out enough.  Perhaps we'll start working on it.

In Evie news, Evie is working on eating little pieces of food.  She still isn't crawling, but is a roller extraordinaire.  She can stand up very well if someone puts her in the position.  She also has chosen a few favorite stuffed animal friends to sleep with now.  I went in to get her up from nap yesterday and she looked so cute snuggling with her sock monkey.  I went to get my camera, but by the time I came back the moment had passed.  Evie is now waving and it is the most adorable thing I have seen.  We have strangers stop us everywhere to comment on her eyes and smile.  Then she waves at them and they about die.  Of course I think my baby's cute, but she really does seem to have an effect on people.