Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mun the Edmund

Cover Page (Sorry for the Poor Quality)
 Edmund has always loved books, but now he's really getting into reading.  He has a few books that he has memorized and "reads" those with ease.  I'm not knocking memorization, as it in fact was the way I began reading.  However, I wanted to gauge where he actually was in terms of phonemic awareness and recognizing sight words.  At several other mommy friends' suggestions I purchased Edmund Set 1 of the BOB Books (thanks to Kay Kay).  The books in the set build upon each other.  The first book in Set 1 uses only four letters so children can easily and successfully read the book. 

Title Page
Edmund was so proud of himself when he read Book 1, entitled MAT all by himself.  He has since read all the books in the set, but is most confident with the first 4.  At bedtime Edmund is allowed to choose two stories, but when he asks to read a short BOB book, I'll oblige.  I figure if he's asking to read, at this point I shouldn't deny him. 

All this is to say that Edmund is loving his BOB books, so much so that for the past week he has been talking about making his very own.  While Edmund was at Grandma's house on Monday he finally sat down to create one.  I got back from the dentist just in time to see him complete his latest authorial endeavor.

Several of the BOB book titles are structured like Dot the Dog, for example.  Edmund picked up on this and titled his book Mun the Edmund.  I'm not quite sure what it means, but it is creative nonetheless.  He informed me he was both the author and illustrator and asked me to write those words out for him to copy.  He then put those words along with his name on the cover page.

The End and  Barcode
Next Edmund added some simple pictures to each of the pages.  The BOB books are known for their simple drawings and Edmund clearly made note of that fact.  He then went back and added words to each page.  His words were things like frrrpppp, but hey, he's making his own book, so I can't be picky.  Edmund knows that you have to sound words out in the BOB books.  He doesn't try to make up a story when he reads his completed book to me.  He sounds out frrrpppp, and then laughs hysterically.  Think about what this sounds like to a little boy and you'll know why we get the laughter.  

On the final page Edmund wrote "The End" with a little help from Grandma on the spelling.  He informed us that all BOB books end this way and he is correct.  Lastly, and I think probably Edmund's favorite addition to his book, he added "a thing that is on the back of every book."  Edmund had added the barcode.  Really, this kid thought of everything when he made this book.  This book will definitely make it into the keepsake box..