Saturday, December 3, 2011

Breakfast with Santa

Santa and Edmund

My birthday was this past Saturday, but with a husband in residency, I knew to expect that the day would be much like any other. Steven was on call (read working all day and night), so my celebration will have to take place at a later date. Fortunately, a few weeks ago Steven sent me an email detailing a fun Christmas event at Spice Street, a local restaurant. He thought it would be a good way for Edmund and I to get out and celebrate even if he would have to sit this one out.

Last year you may recall we went to a fancy breakfast with Santa at the Carolina Inn. This year's event may not have been held at a 5 star hotel, but was very similar and dare I say, better. The Spice Street event is open to anyone, but since it is sponsored by the hospital, most of the attendees are hospital affiliated. We didn't have to make reservations, the cost wasn't astronomical, and the breakfast buffet was phenomenal.

The breakfast was drop-in and since I'd never been before I decided to get there early. We arrived at 8:30, a little later than I planned, but things weren't busy at all then. Edmund was very excited to see Santa sitting by the entrance when we walked in. We decided we would visit the big guy after breakfast. One of the things I absolutely loved about the event was it was also a way to help Edmund be involved in giving. In order enter the event we dropped off a Toy Story truck that Edmund had picked out on his own to donate to Toys for Tots and also two non-perishable items for the food pantry. I loved that this event wasn't just about getting, but giving as well. Some of the breakfast proceeds also went to the hospital, but I liked that Edmund could have a tangible way to see how we were helping other people. He asked if he could pick out a child at the breakfast to give the toy we brought to. This led to a discussion about how we were helping children who might not have much and how the volunteers would bring his toy to just the right child.

After dropping off our donations Edmund asked to have his face painted. Never mind the Christmas choices on display, he wanted a purple and blue butterfly. The color choices I understood. Those are his two favorites, but the picture choice baffled me. Then I realized that the only thing he has ever had painted on his cheek at school events are butterflies. I'm assuming this is because they are easy, or maybe this is all he ever asks for. Either way,the volunteer did a splendid job. My hat goes off to her as I stay as far away from the face painting table as I can. Cheek donned with the unseasonal butterfly, Edmund was ready for breakfast.

As we headed to the dining room, Edmund told the hostess that he wanted eggs and bacon. I told Edmund that might not be a choice, but she told him he was in luck. We were about to sit down by ourselves when a friend of mine from a medical spouse playgroup I attend invited us to sit with their family. They have 11 month old twins and a 3 year old boy whom Edmund loves. It also worked out well as all the adults were able to take turns hitting up the buffet.

Normally Edmund is all about his food, but he worked quickly so we could take our turn with the guy in the red suit. At our breakfast last year we wandered the hotel for nearly 2 hours waiting for a turn with Santa. Here we simply walked up. A few other children lined up behind us to watch, but there was virtually no waiting. Edmund was a little shy at first. Who wouldn't be? Eventually he made his way onto Santa's lap. Santa was having trouble getting Edmund to talk. Edmund shook his head yes when Santa asked if he wanted a variety of things including a "knuckle sandwich." At the end of the visit Edmund quickly said he wanted a ball. A very easy request to fill I might add. We got an adorable picture with a smiley child, and for simply the cost of printing.

While we waited for our picture to print, Edmund and I headed over to the craft table. Edmund, with lots of mommy help, made a "Santa." Later we realized we forgot his beard, so perhaps it was simply one of Santa's elves. Edmund also had fun coloring a picture of Santa as he talked to a few other children at the table. This event had enough activities to keep both Edmund and myself occupied, but wasn't overwhelming. I'm thinking we have a new tradition!